MOMentum Park "where moms come first and every moment matters"
MOMentum Park "where moms come first and every moment matters"
SHERO NOLA Virtual Event
Navigating Parenthood Together
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 07:00 PM Central
Meeting ID: 880 9561 9863
Passcode: fnwgjJM32_
Momentum Park/SHERO NOLA
Friday, July 5th-Sunday, July 7th
New Orleans. Louisiana
Momentum Park Celebrates Dads
Thursday, June 13, 430PM PST, 630PM CST, 730PM EST
Share the love for dads
Momentum Park Celebrates Moms
Thursday, May 9, 430PM PST, 630PM CST, 730PM EST
Share the love for moms
Monday, April 8 @ 12PM PDT, 2PM CST, 3PM EST
Live on Heluna Health's Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube pages
A Mother’s Day event hosted by MP and cohosted by MAE, celebrating the unique lived pregnancy experience of Black women across the US. Speakers discussed the impact of maternal and infant mortality on the Black community, and the role of tech in combating the rising rates.
Technological innovation is the wave of the future. Public and private sector collaboration is essential to improving the systemic causes of the Maternal and Infant Mortality/Morbidity Crisis in the US. The National Birth Equity Collaborative hosted Dr. Renaisa Anthony, Founder and CEO of MOMentum Park, Maya Hardigan, Mae's Founder and CEO, and Crystal Adesanya, Founder and CEO of Kiira, to discuss how technology is shifting the women's health and MCH landscape. Afterwards, the Founders hosted an engaging session, "Meet & Mastermind with the Founders," to collectively innovate with participants towards maternal and child health equity.
Momentum Park closed the year with its very first Holiday Extravaganza: A Family Affair. Donors, sponsors, social media followers, friends and family were invited to the virtual event celebrating the first full calendar year of Momentum Park “where moms come first and every moment matters.” The platform was used to increase awareness of maternal and infant mortality, current MP efforts and the progress of the SHERO program. The evening concluded with a moment of silence for moms, women and children who were no longer with us due to an aggregate of factors contributing to the maternal and infant mortality/morbidity crisis.
Momentum Park partnered with Zurena to launch our first private-public partnership event. Nigel Smith, Founder of Zurena and presenter at Stanford’s Black Founder’s Event co-sponsored a Mock and Cocktails for Mom’s Event to increase awareness of the maternal mortality crisis in the US. DJ Farah Flawcett and Adi B cohosted the event sharing their personal journeys to motherhood as women of color in the US.
Francis Bradley, fine artist commissioned and donated her piece entitled “When She Matters” for auction to highlight the motherhood and pregnancy journey. The piece was captured through a new-age digital process and prints made available in memory of moms who have lost their lives and are a part of the eradicate maternal mortality movement in the US.
A Mother’s Day event celebrating the unique lived pregnancy experience of Black women across the US. Speakers discussed the impact of maternal and infant mortality on the Black community. Dr. Shalon Irving is one of many women remembered and celebrated during the event who lost their lives during or after childbirth due to inequities in health care, etc. in the US.
Tales from the Frontlines. Physicians from around the nation told their stories about being on the frontlines. Participants were able to get their answers from credible professionals.
Momentum Park team attends the Bronner's Brother's Hair Show and surveyed over 500 women for our MOMS MATTER Survey
Technological innovation is the wave of the future. Public and private sector collaboration is essential to improving the systemic causes of the Maternal and Infant Mortality/Morbidity Crisis in the US.
Welcome to the Kick it with Kiira Season 2 Episode 2!! As most of you might know, It is my favorite month. YES, I LOVE FEBRUARY. It was just Valentine's day yesterday and, most importantly, It is black history month.
For those of you who do not know, the theme for this year is black health and wellness. So, today we will be discussing all things black women’s health, and to do justice to this topic we are joined by a phenomenal physician Dr. Renaisa Anthony!
Dr. Anthony discusses the impact of cultural influences on our health habits.
Poor health bears a hefty price and impacts us all. It leads to higher health care and insurance costs and lower productivity. Economic and academic achievement gaps also contribute to the cycle of poor health, ultimately undermining community stability and growth. Do we have the will to make health a priority for everyone in our neighborhoods, towns, cities and state? On Day One, we’ll uncover barriers to better health and carve a path to prosperity that is entirely in our grasp.
Given By Renaisa S. Anthony, MD, MPH Achieving health equity is an ongoing objective in today’s world. Healthy People 2020 has identified a complex arrangement of factors known as the social determinants of health that largely influence the health of an individual or population. These determinants of health can be inherited or exposed, they encompass economic, social, and political factors, and they are directly impacted by the context, care, and culture constructed in the healthcare setting. In her talk, Dr. Anthony will take us on a journey to explore the root causes of health disparities including the social determinant of health. She will provide a perspective on health equity and how each member of society can play an integral role to accomplish the Healthy People 2020 overarching goal, "to eliminate health disparities, achieve health equity and improve the health of all groups."Give customers a reason to do business with you.
Dr. Anthony discusses the impact of race, gender, and background on her life and the lives of the people she serves.
Thank you for supporting our work for the eradication of racial and ethnic health disparities.